Meet the Exec – International Officer

Name: Matteo Lai Role: International Officer Tell us a bit about yourself. I am a third year Historian from Sardinia, in Italy. Back home I’m quite an outdoors person, always volunteering and going to the beach or hiking. While in Durham I mostly seek refuge from the cold in the coziness of the many societies…

Meet the Exec – Bar Steward

Name: Shannon Beers Role: Bar Steward Tell us a bit about yourself. I’m a fourth year Spanish and French student. Within college I work in the bar in JB’s and I’m part of Butler Tigers. What does your role entail? Making sure that the bar runs smoothly, and most importantly representing the student voice. Our…

Meet The Exec — Social Chair

Name: Amy Barrett Role: Social Chair Tell us a bit about yourself. I’m a third year Education and English student, and yes I do want to be a teacher! When I’m not doing my degree (so 90% of the time), I’m typically found having brunch, going for coffee or watching a LOT of daytime TV….

Meet the Exec – Food Services Officer

Name: Cathy Galvin Role: Food Services Officer (JB’s) Tell us a bit about yourself. I’m Cathy Galvin, a second year physical geographer, and I’m the Food Services Officer for 2018/19! I work in JB’s Coffee Shop and Kitchen weekly; aside from that I’ve been a frep, and I am part of Charity Comm, BCBC and…

Meet The Exec – Publicity Officer

Name: Sam Perkins Role: Publicity Officer Tell us a bit about yourself. I’m a 3rd year BSc Geographer which means I study everything from volcanoes to landslides to climate change. As my role suggests I do a lot publicity in my spare time both for college and freelancing for clients. When I’m not producing publicity,…

Meet The Exec – Welfare Officer (2)

Name: Seb Lane Role: Welfare Officer Tell us a bit about yourself. My name is Seb; I’m a third-year law student and one of Butler’s two Welfare Officers. Beyond my academic and Welfare commitments, I’m a keen sportsman, and a proud local of both JB’s bar and the Swan. What does your role entail? In…

Meet the Exec – Sports Officer

Name: Ben Attwood Role: Sports Officer Tell us a bit about yourself. I’m Ben, a third year geographer, and in addition to being Sports Officer I’m heavily involved in playing for Team Butler as well. This has mainly been through rowing and football, but I’ve also played badminton and a couple of other sports less…

Meet The Exec – Societies Officer

Name: Noah Coltman Role: Societies Officer Tell us a bit about yourself. I do History, and am starting my third, and final, year at Durham. Doing a subject that has the same number of contact hours a week as some subjects have in a day, I have a lot of time to engage in other…

Meet the Exec – Welfare Officer (1)

Name: Lorna Thomas Role: Welfare Officer   Tell us a bit about yourself. Hi I’m Lorna! I’m a third year studying Social Sciences and I am one of your Welfare Officers for this year. As well as welfare I am involved in other areas of college life, I row for BCBC, I am in Debating…

Meet the Exec – Treasurer

Name: Calum James Role: Treasurer Tell us a bit about yourself. I am a third year Engineer from Bristol. I row and play squash for college, I also like to watch a lot of movies!   What does your role entail? As treasurer it is my job to make sure you are happy with your…