Warrior Not Worrier

Anxiety is often called Britain’s silent epidemic, but what are we so afraid of?  Appearances can be deceiving. On the outside you can appear like a “normal” eighteen year old with nothing to fear, but on the inside it can be quite a different story. For many this is the case, entrapped in a never-ending…

The Office Vibes Playlist

Tom Weston If you have popped into the JCR Office this year, you will have probably walked in to the sound of some sort of music. Jace and I take it in turns to control the tunes and it’s normally an incredibly eclectic mix of stuff. Well, apart from when we go through weird phases…

Drowning in Rubbish: Green Comm’s Beach Clean Up

Elizabeth Cunnigham tells the Butler Hub about Green Comm’s successful beach clean at Seaham as part of SCA Week. On Sunday 16th February, One Clean Meter, along with the SCA, helped organise a beach clean of Seaham Beach. It was fantastic to see Butler Green Comm. get involved, with plenty of Butler students present, including…

It’s Okay to Take a Break

Eleanor Butcher Uni life can be so fast paced and full packed; if you’re not studying then you’re probably doing some sort of extra-curricular activity. Sometimes this can all catch up with you, and what you need is to just take some time off and for someone to tell you that it’s okay to take…

What is a Writer-in-Residence?

Lee Mackenzie, Butler’s very own Writer-in-Residence, tells us about his new role and why it’s a privilege to do it. As you may find out in the course of this article, it is difficult to explain what a Writer-in-Residence is exactly. To you, a progressive body of students, it is hard enough; to my Nan impossible:…

Alternative Study Spaces

Fed up of circling the Billy B for hours on end? Stress no more… Eleanor Butcher gives us the low down on the best places to study in Durham that don’t contain the names Bill or Bryson.  Everyone knows the stress of finding a spot in the Billy B, especially around exam season. You could…

Summative Sadness

It’s November. You’re writing your first summative and it isn’t going well. You’ve tragically substituted Lloyds Wednesday for the Billy B, healthy cooked meals for £1 chocolate oranges and 50p custard creams, and an optimistic cheery personality for a hollowed out shell of a man. Ok, fair enough, I am definitely exaggerating here; I would…

Why Housing Stress Shouldn’t Exist

Butler’s Head Livers Out Rep, Jenny Roberts, explores Durham’s predatory student housing market and explains why you should chill.  As the Head Liver Out Rep, you might expect that I had my life together when it came to housing in my first year. Hate to break it to you, but I did not. I wasn’t…

My Summer At Camp

When you think of an American summer camp you think of the films Parent Trap or Camp Rock. I certainly did. A lot of the time at camp I felt like I was in a film; maybe because it’s the only place I know where you can break out in song and dance, and be…

Freshers’ Week – The Chilled Out Part

Jenny Roberts, one half of Butler’s Chilled Frep duo, looks back on the jam-packed week that was Freshers’.  Freshers’ Week is not a time you would normally regard as relaxing.  If anything, it’s the exact opposite; my own experience of Freshers’ Week was a routine of partying followed by sleeping followed by partying, with the…